Our Professionals

Our Professionals

Our professionals have served both public and private employers and clients alike as C-suite executives, Director’s of Accounting, Tax, Financial Reporting, and Financial Planning, Treasurer’s, Controller’s, along with just about every other role within an organization. Our professionals are talented leaders who share an extraordinary passion for achieving the very best in everything they do. They bring not only a distinct level of compassion, knowledge, and expertise, but the ability to swiftly evaluate and identify practical, workable solutions to complex problems in an efficient manner.

CF Advisory is designed to operate as one, single partnership united by a strong set of values, and a deep commitment to the clients we serve. We take a consistent approach to recruiting and skills development, so that we can quickly deliver the right team, with the appropriate experience and expertise, to every client, anytime. Our professionals possess a broad range of knowledge across a wide variety of disciplines including Accounting, Finance, Tax, Treasury, Financial Systems, Human Resources, and Accounts Payable. In the rare occurrence we do not have the appropriate group of professionals to serve your needs, we partner with a broad network of affiliated firms.

Frank J. Cassanelli

Senior Managing Director & Principal

Richard S. Mazzucco

Senior Managing Director & Principal